Decent Homes Programme : City of London Estates
Dear City of London Corporation,
How many of the housing units across all your estates currently fail the government's decent homes standard? ( As of October 2010). Please provide figures on an estate by estate basis.
How many of your housing units do you currently believe will fail the government's decent homes standard as of December 2010? Please provide figures on an estate by estate basis
What is the latest date that you estimate all City of London Corporation housing units to meet the Decent Homes standard?
What methodology/mechanisms are you employing in the years 2010-2011, 2011-2012 to test total compliance with the Decent Homes Standard?
What works do you have scheduled for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 to improve the energy efficiency of housing units on your estates?
Yours faithfully,
adrian smith
Dear Mr Smith,
The City of London (CoL) acknowledges receipt of your request for
information of 5 October 2010, the first of that date. Public authorities
are required to respond to requests within the statutory timescale of 20
working days beginning from the first working day after they receive a
request. The Act does not always require public authorities to disclose
the information which they hold.
Yours sincerely,
Information Officer
City of London
Tel: 020-7332 1209
Dear Mr Smith
Following your request for information of 6 October and our
acknowledgement of the same date, the City of London (CoL) responds as
How many of the housing units across all your estates currently fail the
government's decent homes standard? (As of October 2010). Please provide
figures on an estate by estate basis.
Avondale Square - 49
Middlesex Street - 127
William Blake Estate - 10
Golden Lane Estate - 257
Total - 443. This figure is as at 1.4.10. It will be updated in quarter 3
(December) when all projects will be complete.
How many of your housing units do you currently believe will fail the
government's decent homes standard as of December 2010? Please provide
figures on an estate by estate basis
74 properties on Golden Lane will still fail the decency standard.
Government Office for London has agreed an extension to 2013 as the work
required relates to windows and curtain walling on a Grade II listed
What is the latest date that you estimate all City of London Corporation
housing units to meet the Decent Homes standard?
See comment above.
What methodology/mechanisms are you employing in the years 2010-2011,
2011-2012 to test total compliance with the Decent Homes Standard?
The CoL shall use survey information gathered during decent homes works in
previous years to determine the year in which homes will fail the decency
standard. We will be progressing with phase 2 decency works in 2012 on
those estates with the highest number of potential failures.
What works do you have scheduled for 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 to improve
the energy efficiency of housing units on your estates?
In 2010/11:
Triple glazing is being installed on Middlesex Street to replace single
glazed windows.
Sydenham Hill Estate are having single glazed windows replaced with double
glazed units.
A general budget exists for gas heating installations to those properties
with either no heating or old electric storage heating.
In 2011/12:
The general budget for gas central heating installations will continue.
If you wish to make a complaint about the way the CoL has handled your
enquiry, please make your complaint in writing to email address:
[email address]. For a link to the CoL's FOI complaints
procedure, please visit the following page:
[1], at the end of which is located the
FOI complaints procedure. If, having used the CoL's FOI Complaints
Procedure, you are still dissatisfied, you may request the Information
Commissioner to investigate. Please contact: Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone:
(01625) 545700. Website: [2]
Please note that the Act applies to the CoL as a local authority, police
authority and port health authority.
The CoL holds the copyright in this communication. The supply of it does
not give you a right to re-use it in a way that would infringe that
copyright, for example, by making copies, publishing and issuing copies to
the public or to any other person. Brief extracts of any of the material
may be reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the purposes of
research for non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and
news reporting, subject to an acknowledgement of the copyright owner.
Yours sincerely,
Senior Administrative Officer
Department of Community & Children's Services
City of London
020-7332 1327
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