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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



170 discussions


608 discussions


1411 discussions


127 discussions


Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

168 discussions


16 discussions


21 discussions


235 discussions

Housing User Board

The Housing User Board, is group of residents who are willing to help Housing officers to develop new policies and review existing ones. Whilst we consult all residents on many issues, we felt it would be valuable to be able to explore things in more depth with people who were willing to give us more time. The Housing User Board is open to all residents on all our estates.

We understand that most people are too busy to attend lots of meetings, so we will offer a range of ways for HUB members to get involved. These will include:

  • Completing surveys on certain aspects of our services or policies. These would be more detailed that the general questionnaires we send to all residents;
  • Reading and giving us comments on specific documents;
  • One-off consultation events to discuss a specific policy or service change;
  • Time-limited working groups (i.e. 2-6 meetings only) to focus on the development or review of a specific policy or service.

HUB members can choose to be involved as many, or as few of these things as they wish.

The number of issues we bring to the HUB may change, depending on what is happening in the Housing Service and also on whether there are national changes we need to seek your views on. But it will always be up to members to choose whether to take part or not.

Members will earn Time Credits for any time they give us – one for each survey you complete or document you comment on and two for each meeting you attend. Time Credits can be used to pay for lots of different activities such as going to some cinemas and theatres, using leisure centres or going to visitor attractions in London. Information about Time Credits can be found here. We can also provide a printed version of the Time Credits booklet if needed.

We will send you information by email in the first instance. We will make this as accessible as possible. If a HUB member doesn’t have access to email or needs the information in print, if they let us know we will arrange for hard copies to be sent to them.

To join the HUB, please provide the following details to

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address if you have one

Hope this information is helpful to you and please do get back to us, if you would like to join the HUB group.

Kindest regards,

Community Engagement Team

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