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City of London Corporation Advice/Guidance for the Corona Virus Emergency

The following information (and more) is also on the City Corporation website here:

But the key information, especially for anyone self-isolating is set out below:

"Dear Resident,

If you live in the Square Mile, are self-isolating and require help, please let us know by emailing the COVID-19 mailbox or by calling 020 7606 3030. Please note, you can email us on behalf of someone else (with their consent).

The mailbox is treated with confidentiality.

Please send your or their (if you are sending on someone else’s behalf):

phone number
date of birth
date self-isolation began
and let us know if you or they have any concerns or special requirements.
Please indicate if you are happy for your contact details to be shared with local voluntary and community groups who may be able to support you.

Get Government help if you are vulnerable
If you have received a text/ letter from the NHS that you are in the “extremely vulnerable” group, or if you are vulnerable, please register to receive government support services.

What you should do
The City of London Corporation is dedicated to ensuring that we protect the most vulnerable, support our residents and continue to provide key services during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The latest Government instruction is to stay at home and:

Only go outside for food, health reasons or essential work
Stay two metres (six feet) away from other people
Wash your hands as soon as you get home
Some non-essential services may need to be closed or operate at reduced levels to support social distancing for staff and service users.

Some people may need extra support at this time, and we are actively encouraging good neighbourliness and support through established local community groups.

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from the virus. The NHS provides guidance on hand-washing.

More advice
For more detailed advice on the following areas, please visit our dedicated City of London Residents’ Advice Page

Staying at home, for households with possible COVID-19 infection
Worried about your income during the COVID-19 pandemic
Schools and other educational settings
Libraries in the City
Help with your health and wellbeing
If you wish to support COVID-19 relief efforts
City Advice
Latest Government Advice
Potential COVID-19 (Corona virus) related scams"

Our Council Tax bills have just arrived in the last few days, so if anyone is worried about their ability to pay on-time the website says the following:

"If you are unable to pay a council tax bill or an instalment by the due date stated on your bill, please let us know and provide details of your circumstances. We will do what we can to help you through this difficult time.

Further information about claiming benefits and council tax reduction scheme discount are available from the City's benefits service."

I hope the above helps, particularly anyone who is not already being supported by the resident groups which have responded with offers of help for those in need.

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