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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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Imagine a Golden Lane Estate that was going to achieve Carbon Net Zero. Imagine a place that was green, resilient to climate change and really committed to recycling, waste reduction and conservation of energy. Imagine a place with lots of trees, new planting, and a real commitment to encouraging biodiversity.

In the middle of a climate emergency, it is important to imagine and then to act to bring about change.

The City of London launched its Climate Action Plan last year. This event which is organised by residents on Golden Lane Estate is designed to bring people together in a socially distanced conversation about how to make change happen right here.

Bring your ideas to create a better future for Golden Lane Estate. Join a conversation about how to reduce the carbon footprint on the Estate and how to make it a greener place to live.

Saturday 15th May
2-00pm to 4-00pm

  • A socially distanced open-air event
  • Under Crescent House by the tennis courts
  • Refreshments and stalls

Some ideas for change:

  • More trees
  • Recycling of more things
  • Repairing workshops
  • Better places to sit and talk
  • Local energy generation
  • Extra food growing places
  • Improvements to biodiversity
  • Less cutting of grass
  • Community laundries   
  • Gardening on balconies
  • The GAH roof is open with beehives
  • Drainage water collected for watering
  • Solar panels on the roofs
  • Better air quality
  • Bike maintenance workshops
  • Places for safe cycle storage
  • Workshops and clubs on climate emergency, recycling, and upcycling


Follow us on instagram #imaginegoldenlane or email:

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This was such a good event. Could we have something similar every month? A zero carb theme and residents sharing info about other events and updates on past events and news about stuff like Crescent House. Clubs that are starting up again.

Have you seen the planned cost for new district heating in Crescent House?  £14,000 per flat!  Even a heat pump would be likely to be about £5-8,000* per flat.  Gas boilers cost less than £2k and MIGHT partially run on hydrogen if that can be sourced 'greenly'.

See my other comment....insulate (and use a tiny amount of gas).

* the article suggests "between £6,000 and £18,000, depending on the sort you install and the size of your home." but I suspect there a few huge palaces in Golden Lane.

In these buildings, the big difference would be to have vastly improved insulation (and draught-proofing) so that less energy is needed.  Energy MAY be provided by cooking, washing, domestic appliances, lighting...and animals exercising?


the total of life, human, animal, birds, insects , aquatics, plants and their ecosystems . The great complex of life on earth in its myriad environments and interdependency.

We need to know the state of life on Golden Lane Estate. Monthly monitoring of target species, in our pond, shrubs, grassed areas and balconies. If you would like to join in and do this please post here and spread the word. We might try a trial area around the pond and the three blocks overlooking it.


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