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Noise on tennis courts Monday between 9 and 10 am Monday 2nd December 2019

GLERA took note of the excessive noise made by school children this morning.  We  understand that children need to play and obviously are unable to play in silence.....but a very rowdy game of rounders first thing on a Monday morning is unfair on residents. The screaming and shouting was not acceptable and caused a disturbance 

GLERA has complained to the estate office and the Fusion office.  GLERA has also sent a letter of complaint to the headteacher and chair of governors of Charterhouse School. We have previously complained and there has been some improvement. Sadly, this morning the children were making too much noise.

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I live above the tennis courts in Cullum Welch House and I've yet to find noise levels 'unacceptable'.  Why not apply to the Listing Officers to 'green' the concrete plaza by Shakespeare pub and, if necessary, restrict access to schoolchildren and residents? Then  noise won't bounce off Golden Lane's concrete which is both aesthetically and acoustically ghastly.  IMHO this would be a better way for GLERA to spend committee time than tutting about children's play

Hello Keyworker,

I hope you are well. As GLERA co-chair I contacted the Estate Office, the Fusion office and Charterhouse School on behalf of residents who were disturbed by the noise. For some of our more vulnerable and house-bound residents this has been a long-running issue. My role as co-chair is to represent all residents and by making complaints we are hoping to open up the debate about the use of and investment in public spaces on the estate. The greening option you suggest is a creative solution which adds to the on-going debate about the use of public spaces. Would you be interested in coming along to meetings next year about this subject? More information is available on



Anne Corbett 

acting joint chair of GLERA 

Dear Anne, thank you for your message. I do understand you have to represent views which may not be your own which is why i world struggle on such a committee. Those sick and housebound were also children once and it’sa fact that the older (and more unwell) we get, the more intolerant we become. I am very lucky not to suffer the discomfort of some of the residents GLERA represents but, for instance, were i on night duty i would stick in ear plugs.  In the day time i tune into the radio’s white noise . The fact remains, 2 years in to life here in Cullum Welch, noise levels are not, in my view, unacceptable. My view and those of children, their supervisors, minders and sports centre users should also carry weight in the interests of balance and finding a solution.  That’s the only reason i posted and i trust you will make the sports centre, school and estate office aware that what was previously written to them is not the unanimous view of Golden Lane residents. Thank you

PS As for greening the estate, i’m sure they’ve been talking about that since the architects signed off on it in the first place


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