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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

The new drawings for the RCS tower are just as confused and full of errors as the previous set. Here are some examples that have been pointed out:

1. The Escape Stairs. There is a fire and you are running for your life down the single escape stair. You get to the ground floor and...

2. The School Hall: In this set of plans the height of the lower parapet seems to have crept up by 300mm and the window differs in every drawing, but since the plans, sections and elevations don't match anyway, it is anyone's guess what will be built. 

3. The Rooftop Playground: The plans don't match the sections. What were the noise calculations based on then? Although it probably doesn't matter as they are highly questionable anyway. (And we have questioned them).

It is no surprise that these gross errors are slipping through. Nobody at the City planning department appears to be "validating" the plans. After all the original application was received and "validated" the same day, which is erm... unusual to say the least. Please feel free to check the documentation carefully and report any discrepancies you come across to us.

The extended period for comments expires next week. It is important that these sloppy plans are challenged.

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