
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



170 discussions


608 discussions


1412 discussions


128 discussions


Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

168 discussions


16 discussions


21 discussions


237 discussions


The Golden Lane Estate Residents’ Association (GLERA) represents all residents on Golden Lane Estate. That includes City tenants, leaseholder tenants and sub-let tenants. GLERA aims to:

  • Further the common community interests of all Residents of Golden Lane Estate and represent members in dealings with the City of London Corporation, and any other bodies pursuant to those community interests
  • Promote the maintenance and improvement of amenities affecting those members together with the monitoring of all charges
  • Maintain the private status of the Estate

The GLERA committee is made up of tenants and leaseholders with a target of 50/50 representation across leaseholders and tenants. The committee meets at least four times a year.  If you're interested in being on the committee, contact the Chair at chair.glera@gmail.com to find out more. 

GLERA has the power to affiliate to any body whose objectives are of benefit to the membership. The GLERA constitution can be found here and the roles and responsibilities of the committee members are summarised here.

Useful documents and resident information can be found here.

GLERA committee members 2019/2020

Tim Godsmark - Chair  

Vernon Ashford - Treasurer

Anne Corbett; David Cox; Aziz Henache; Charles Humphries; Sue Lyon; Maria Prior

If you wish to contact the committee please email chair.glera@gmail.com, or leave a message in the GLERA box in the Estate Office and we will ensure that you receive a response. 

GLERA Meetings 2020

Committee Meeting 23 January 
Committee Meeting 23 April
AGM 25 June
Committee Meeting 16 July 
General Meeting 22 October 

All residents are welcome to join and observe committee meetings.

The meetings all follow the same outline agenda, as set out below:

1. Apologies
2. Agreement of minutes
3. Matters arising
4. Major projects
5. Maintenance and repairs
6. GLERA/CoL governance and communication
7. 'Quality of life'/community projects
8. Any other business
9. Dates for future meetings

Minutes from all meetings can be found here.

GLERA Sub-committees, supported groups and campaigns

RCS/CoLPAI Sub-committee - contact rcs.glera@gmail.com

Barbican and Golden Lane Conservation Area

Community Centre Steering Group - contact goldenlane.communitycentre@gmail.com

Golden Baggers - contact goldenbaggers@gmail.com

Bernard Morgan House Group

GLERA Surveys

GLERA Survey 2017

GLERA Commissioned Reports

February 2018: Proposed Conservation Area Barbican / Golden Lane - Historical Context by Alec Forshaw, town planner, urban designer and conservation officer with the London Borough of Islington from 1975 to 2007.

January 2018: City of London Conservation Area Consultation report by Robinson Wild Consulting commissioned by GLERA and the Barbican Association.

2017: An Appraisal of COLPAI by Alec Forshaw, town planner, urban designer and conservation officer with the London Borough of Islington from 1975 to 2007.

November 2014: A Collated Response by Golden Lane Residents to the City of London’s Draft Housing Strategy for 2014 – 2019, sent to the Community and Children's Services Committee.

October 2014: A report prepared by Peter Luckham on behalf of GLERA on the status of High Speed Broadband on Golden Lane Estate.


GLERA is a "Recognised Tenants' Association" under relevant legislation (by virtue of the statutory rights granted to its predecessor for leaseholders (GLOA)), including:
  • The Housing Act 1980
  • Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (Section 29)
  • Leasehold Reform, Housing & Urban Development Act 1993
  • Common & Leasehold Reform Act 2002
This status was granted by the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal as a result of legal action by residents - the functions of the LVT were transferred to the First-Tier Tribunal of the Property Chamber under an Order of Parliament in 2013 but it's decisions remain in force.
Formal recognition with specific regard to the City’s weekly tenants (as opposed to leasehold tenants) was secured when GLERA demonstrated that it met the published requirements of the City for this purpose and was acknowledged as having done so by City Officers.

Download the history of the Golden Lane Owner's Association (GLOA), predecessor to GLERA. 

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