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Community Conversation - our outdoor spaces

Event Details

Community Conversation - our outdoor spaces

Time: June 11, 2019 from 5pm to 7pm
Location: Golden Lane Community Centre
Event Type: community, convesation
Organized By: Estate Office and GLERA
Latest Activity: Jun 10, 2019

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Event Description

The Estate Office and GLERA invite you to the first of a series of Community Conversations on Tuesday 11 June, downstairs at the Community centre from 5-7 pm


At GLERA’s drop in at the Christmas Market and at the Community Conversation about Anti Social Behaviour in February it was very clear that residents are concerned about public use of our shared outdoor community spaces. This was brought up by a resident at the annual Ward Mote resulting in the following resolution:

“It was Resolved that the City of London Corporation commission a study reporting in no more than one year regarding pedestrian flows through the Golden Lane Estate ("GLE") resulting from current and anticipated property developments in the vicinity of the GLE and consult with GLE residents regarding the current "private" status of the GLE as a result of which residents pay for the maintenance of areas of the GLE that are in practice open to the public.”


This is a really important issue for us all who live and work on Golden Lane Estate and it’s important that as a community we understand what our options may be, the implications, the barriers, the burden of proof required to show that there are problems.  Foot track will increase with new residential neighbours, Crossrail and Culture Mile and ultimately we want to help shape this consultation.


We can’t hope to cover everything in one meeting so our plan for this first meeting is to hear (and minute) people’s concerns and experiences.

Representatives from our local police, Parkguard and Environmental Health will also be there to answer questions and tell us who to complain to for what and how the data is collected, how it is used and why it is important to report everything. There will be an information sheet to takeaway.

We will also then discuss what the next ‘Conversation’ should cover ie The Barbican model – could that be implemented for our Estate? In what ways is our estate ‘private’? What exactly do residents pay for in their service charge?

This way we can invite the right people along to inform us and create a structured series of Conversations.


Feel free to drop in as and when you can.

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