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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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Does your plant look old and tired? Has it outgrown its surroundings? Are you unable to give it the attention it needs? Or is it simply no longer wanted?

Whatever the answer, do not throw it away!

A NEW LEAF OF LIFE will care for it temporarily and try to find it a new home.

Plants are tagged with details of their history so new owners can unearth their past lives and future caring needs.

Cuttings from second-hand plants and seedlings raised and nurtured on the Golden Lane Estate will also be available for a small contribution.

For re-homing, adoptions and information contact

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We are pleased to inform you that we have our first adopted plant. It is a beautiful and rather tall (almost 7ft) specimen of Euphorbia Trigona (a species of cactus also known as African Milk Tree) kindly donated by barbicanates Craig and Ian (picture attached).

They inherited the cactus in the spring of 2004 from friends living in Hampstead, who were moving to the south of France. It had been living on their hall landing for a number of years, and they offered it to C&I before they left the country. C&I remember the struggle to get the cactus out of their friends' house and into the rear seats and boot of their car! They guess that it has grown by at least a foot, perhaps more, since they acquired it six years ago. It was kept in a sunny corner of C&I spare bedroom in one of the Barbican towers.

Initially placed near the sliding door, now it lives happily on the second floor landing of a maisonette in Bayer House.

We look forward to giving you more updates on happy endings.

Hello! My spider plant has had yet another baby. I've run out of friends to give them to - do let me know if you could find anyone who would want it.

It is now about 20 cm - 30 including zinc pot

Interesting fact - it is a good idea to have a spider plant or two about if you have IKEA-type furniture in your house, as it locks away the formaldehyde from the wood treatment that would otherwise be released into your air.
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for your offer. You can give the plant to me and I will keep it temporarily and try to rehome it. Please write to to make arrangements for collection/delivery.


Lucy Pickering said:
Hello! My spider plant has had yet another baby. I've run out of friends to give them to - do let me know if you could find anyone who would want it.

It is now about 20 cm - 30 including zinc pot

Interesting fact - it is a good idea to have a spider plant or two about if you have IKEA-type furniture in your house, as it locks away the formaldehyde from the wood treatment that would otherwise be released into your air.


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