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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

I'm concerned by the possibility that the Decent Homes work on the estate will involve the removal and disposal of irreplaceable original fixtures and fittings, so would like to start some sort of salvage, similar to the Barbican salvage. All that would be needed is a store cupboard or spare garage on the estate and some basic catalogueing and administration, which I'd be happy to undertake.

With the cooperation of the Estate Office I suggest that everything removed from Golden Lane Estate, both as part of the Decent Homes work and by those unintentional vandals Inspace, is vetted for salvagable items, which are then catalogued, stored and made available to those wishing to restore their homes to something like original.

Hopefully this would also attract the attention of individuals and leaseholders who are removing original fittings and fixtures and disposing of them & it means I could stop hanging around the bin sheds looking for treasure.


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a couple of residents and myself had been in discussion with estate office about this proposal last year. Unfortunately it was difficult to locate a spare space in the estate. It would be good if this proposal receives more support from the residents and hopefully some space, even small to start with, can be reconsidered and reserved in priority for such purpose very soon.
Cheers, A.
Hello All. Your wish is my command. I have set aside two unused garages for a salvage store, and now need volunteers to run it. Apollo have been filling it up with the items they have been removing that are salvageable. Please contact me to discuss it. It will only work if residents volunteer to keep it running. I would suggest that residents have a look at the Barbican salvage store to get an idea of the administration involved in it.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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