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Charlotte Borger
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Charlotte Borger's Discussions

Let's get back together - social events 4-8 Oct

Started Sep 15, 2021 0 Replies

Know a friend or neighbour who’s lonely? Let them know about 4-8 Oct FREE Socials including free food & refreshments!Hosted by Sadlers Wells, Manor Gardens, the Charterhouse Cally Clock…Continue

Affordable housing

Started Nov 12, 2020 0 Replies

We currently have vacancies for new residents at our almshouse at the CharterhouseLockdown has been tough for many in later life and may also raise questions re finances and accommodation. If you…Continue

Tags: housing

Please support the Charterhouse!

Started May 27, 2020 0 Replies

Hello!Most of you will know you have an extraordinary seven-acre heritage site on your doorstep - which is the home for over 40 older people in social and financial need. The almshouse is a charity…Continue


Charlotte Borger's Page

Latest Activity

Charlotte Borger posted an event

The Charterhouse Christmas Fair! at The Charterhouse

November 16, 2021 from 11am to 8pm
We are really looking forward to seeing you at our fabulous Christmas Fair next Tuesday!Don't miss a chance to get your Christmas shopping done - with over 40 stalls of great gift ideas - all in our wonderful historic surroundings.  Fuel up on home-made mince pies and mulled wine and take some time to browse and soak in the atmosphere.  See you there!(Pay at the door or via the weblink here)See More
Nov 10, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted a discussion

Let's get back together - social events 4-8 Oct

Know a friend or neighbour who’s lonely? Let them know about 4-8 Oct FREE Socials including free food & refreshments!Hosted by Sadlers Wells, Manor Gardens, the Charterhouse Cally Clock Tower & St Lukes Trust! Book via @AgeUK_Islington: 020 7281 6018 or bit.ly/2XiDlq8See More
Sep 15, 2021
Charlotte Borger updated an event

Our Open Garden evenings are back! at The Charterhouse

June 29, 2021 at 5:30pm to August 26, 2021 at 8:30pm
We are delighted that the Charterhouse can once again open its lovely hidden gardens for tours, and for our relaxed Open Garden evenings when you can wander around the gardens at your leisure and enjoy refreshments from our BBQ and bar. If you haven't already discovered this urban oasis a short walk from Barbican station - here's your opportunity. Come and join us in the sunshine! We have two Open Gardens dates lined up in July and August (sadly we have had to cancel our June date due to the…See More
Jun 15, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted events
Jun 8, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted an event

An artist's journey in search of authenticity at online

April 29, 2021 from 7pm to 8pm
Copying the Old Masters has a noble and distinguished history, and requires much more than years of specialist training. Join us for our online lecture on 29th April by artist and painting conservator Ying Yang, as he presents "Back to the future - an artist's journey in search of authenticity". In 2018 Ying was commissioned to replicate the famous 'Sieve portrait' of Elizabeth I by Quentin Metsys the Younger - the beautiful copy now hangs in our refurbished Great Chamber. Discover more about…See More
Apr 14, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted an event

Live Charterhouse history tour from Charterhouse Square at Charterhouse Square (outside The Charterhouse)

March 23, 2021 from 10:30am to 11:30am
We're delighted to be able to invite you, once again, to join one of the Brothers (the residents of the Charterhouse almshouse) for a tour with a full history of the Charterhouse heritage site, with social distancing, out in Charterhouse Square. The Brothers who are amongst our tour guides are very experienced and knowledgeable, and will take you through six centuries of fascinating and turbulent history with many of the perspectives you can see from outside the buildings. To ensure Covid-safe…See More
Mar 23, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted an event

The Charterhouse from Restoration to Revolution at online (at the Charterhouse)

February 25, 2021 from 7pm to 8pm
We are delighted that Dr. Cathy Ross, Honorary Research Fellow at the Museum of London, and consultant to the Charterhouse, is giving this month's online lecture. Cathy will be sharing some of the new stories that have emerged from the Great Chamber project, and in particular its focus on the seventeenth-century governors whose portraits now hang in the room. Did the restoration of Charles II after the Civil War usher in a period of calm, or was the opposite true? The lecture will explore the…See More
Jan 25, 2021
Charlotte Borger posted events
Dec 1, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted a discussion

Affordable housing

We currently have vacancies for new residents at our almshouse at the CharterhouseLockdown has been tough for many in later life and may also raise questions re finances and accommodation. If you think you or someone you know might be eligible for a home at the…See More
Nov 12, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted an event

Online lecture: Boundaries in time, place and material at The Charterhouse

November 26, 2020 from 7pm to 8pm
The Charterhouse is delighted that this year's Thomas Sutton Lecture is an online presentation by eminent architect Eric Parry RA, MA (Cantab), MA (RCA), AADipl, RIBA. Eric Parry, with his practice, Eric Parry Architects, was commissioned back in 2014 to take on the major HLF-funded project of opening up the Charterhouse to the public for the first time, creating a new entrance, reception, museum and learning centre which complemented the…See More
Oct 29, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted an event

As Good as Gold at The Charterhouse

October 28, 2020 from 7pm to 8pm
Coming up next at the Charterhouse...Join us for our October online lecture - presented by arts guide and Arts Society lecturer Alexandra Epps.  Alex will be immersing us in the story of gold and its significance and symbolism throughout the history of art. Booking open now (with donation)See More
Sep 21, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted an event

Live tour from Charterhouse Square + Pop-Up Shop at The Charterhouse

September 17, 2020 from 11am to 12pm
Welcome to our first live tour since lockdown in March!  The main buildings are still closed to the public, but Brother Brian and our Head Gardener Kate Robinson are hosting a history tour you can join in person, with full social distancing and protection measures in place, out in Charterhouse Square.  Join Kate and  Brother Brian, one of the almshouse residents and a very experienced and knowledgeable guide, as they illustrate six centuries of fascinating and turbulent history with many of the…See More
Sep 3, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted an event

Travel back 600 years at the Charterhouse at online (at the Charterhouse)

August 26, 2020 from 7pm to 8pm
In the latest of our online lectures, in support of the Charterhouse charity, Gabriella Swaffield, our Museum Manager, takes you on a time-travelling journey across six centuries to see how the Charterhouse has been living the nation's history since 1348. Illustrated through the ages with objects from the extensive Charterhouse collection, Gabriella's lecture will be taking you on a fascinating exploration of all the turbulence, tragedy, intrigue and the many lives lived and brutally cut short,…See More
Aug 18, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted events
Jul 2, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted a discussion

Please support the Charterhouse!

Hello!Most of you will know you have an extraordinary seven-acre heritage site on your doorstep - which is the home for over 40 older people in social and financial need. The almshouse is a charity established in 1611 - and the site goes right back to 1348 and the Black Death.Normally we would be welcoming visitors and private parties every day... but since March we have had to be firmly closed to the public and taking strict measures to protect our older and vulnerable residents. This is our…See More
May 27, 2020
Charlotte Borger posted an event

A Quiet Hour for Autism Awareness Week at The Charterhouse

April 2, 2020 from 10am to 11am
Autism Awareness Week is coming up and we'll be taking part with a special opportunity for visitors, for whom new places and unfamiliar noises can be overwhelming, to appreciate the quiet and soothing parts of our buildings, away from noise and crowds. Our Quiet Hour will…See More
Mar 2, 2020

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Charlotte Borger's Blog

We would love to welcome you to the Charterhouse

Posted on January 3, 2019 at 14:00 0 Comments

The Charterhouse site between Barbican and Farringdon dates back to 1348 - and has been formally open to the public since January 2017, but we know that thousands of locals who live and/or work in the area still don't know it's there!  There are so many people who walk down Clerkenwell Road every day - and don't know what's hidden behind that great imposing wall with ivy spilling over the top.

The Charterhouse is both an extraordinary piece of history to have on your doorstep - and…


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