
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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  1. Graffiti on the brick wall between Stanley Cohen House and Bowater House, East face, full height.  Has been like this for a week at least.
  2. Graffiti on the shopfront shutters below Crescent House, on Goswell Road, full height.  Has been like this for a year at least.  Might business owners be supplied with materials and instructions to carry out speedy removal?  Alternatively might the artists from across the border around Whitecross Street  be encouraged/ paid to decorate such areas with elegant and potentially valuable street art- as Beech Street’s Banksy?
  3. Broken panels at Barbican laundromat, North facade, off Goswell Road adjacent ramp/ planter.  Has been like this for a year at least.
I have also repeatedly proposed that the entire estate concrete and pavings be jet cleaned on an ongoing basis, and certainly before any more painting is carried out.

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Hi Iain.    Seems we have a lack of enthusiasm to keep the Estate clean and tidy.  Us as residents (tenants and leaseholders). Are asked to play our part in recycling and maintaining our properties, and yet the surrounding areas are left neglected.  We haven’t had our landings swept in weeks, ok that’s something I don’t mind doing, but as we’re being charged for it, it’s something that should be addressed.

The Estate has been left vulnerable for anyone to use it how they please,  the dreaded illegal filming, barriers left open for anyone to park they’re cars, graffiti, lack of lighting.  The second listing of Golden Lane has left it shackled, the window debacle has been going on for over 25 years, redecorating hasn’t happened.  I’ve lived here for 50 years, never have I known the Estate to look so tired and neglected.  

The basement area below Cullum Welch/great Arthur, is a hive of anti social activity during the early hours of the night and morning. Non-resident vehicles coming and going. Also regular visits from vans that fly tip and smash up junk for scrap collection. We rarely get a complete night's sleep.
It's a grim area to live near.

Apart from the foyer, the communal areas on all the other floors of Great Arthur haven't been cleaned for months. They installed new window cleaning equipment but our windows haven't been cleaned for almost a year now and they are filthy. The car park barrier off Fann St was broken for ages. They then replaced it but it has been left open ever since, they may as well have just  left it broken.

Yes I gave a student of the London School of Muralism the details of the Culture Mile fund. They are expert in painting murals collaboratively and have made beautiful work in schools and elsewhere. Wide range of styles to suit most tastes.

Excellent.  We are training the next Banksy?  Do we have a policy on the application of designer graffiti to Listed buildings?

UPDATE on 2022.04.07

Sue Pearson, our Common Councillor, has responded within an hour!!!   

Stanley graffiti is not rude enough so we must wait 20 days for removal.

Shop graffiti is with the Property Team.

The laundromat is across the border but Sue will chat up the Aldersgate gang.

....and it's gone- the Stanley graffiti.

Haven't checked our local shops or crossed the border to Aldersgate.


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