
There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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When I've asked in the past about this no seems to hear anything. To me it's getting steadily worse around here. Endless drug deals, loud music etc. Last night was particularly bad. Having the bike racks and scooters and car charging point seems to be a magnet for asb as well. I heard and saw when I was out this morning that another entrance door of Stanley Cohen had been kicked in. That's two in a month. Then there was the chap who took great delight in revving and riding his very loud motorbike up and down golden lane then two chaps having a full blown row about the charging station. Maybe it's just me but it's really tiresome when you have to be up for work at 5. Anyone else hear anything?

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Sorry no but they are digging up the new pavement again on Fann Street. High pitched cutting drills. I think it varies what noise you get on which block you live in. We are moving to SCH soon!
Sorry. I didn't put in the bit that was most annoying . All of these noises were in the early hours. The bike was at 1.43am in the morning. The argument was at about 3am and I heard what I now assume was the door being kicked in at about 4am.

Yes all the time,  Fann Street has become a drug dealers paradise, we have the inconsiderate chap that rides his bike up and down Fann Street and takes great delight stopping at the top of the exit slope, revving his bike, the culprit being the guy from the Shakespeare!!

Fann Street is used as a Uber car park, with conversations on loud speaker at 2am in the morning, then we have the fly tippers that reverse on the exit slope and dump they’re crap in the recycle area!!! It’s all on CCTV, but on good authority it may as well be a dummy as nothing is recorded.  Then we have the dreaded film crews, not the legal ones, but the ones that blare out they’re music and to which Parkguard turn a complete blind eye to.   So yes we hear everything and I sympathise with you, but try getting anyone to do anything about it.  

The Shakespeare chaps woke me at 5.30am this morning moving heavy goods into their big white HGV on Fann Street. It went on for a while. I had to go to work with little sleep.  

The local junkies love searching the bins below cullum welch especially in the early hours, always desperately looking for something and ripping up bags. I don’t particularly care if they search the bins but it’s the noise of them during the early hours. 

The motorbike is particularly obnoxious and always very late and very loud. Can the Estate Office do something about that and all these other issues?


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