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There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

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The Barbican Residents' Association (BRA) is in contact with perspective lessees for the now empty YMCA building at No. 2 Fann St.  Two of the organisations who are bidding for it want to use it as a high grade hostel or cheapish (but nice) hotel. (their words)

I gather bids have to be in by 16 November and then there is a shortlisting process.
There is a fair amount of interest in the building, but only  the  two organisations referred to above have been in touch with the BRA, who told them about the problems residents have had with the YMCA hostel in the past and emphasised the quiet peaceful nature of the estate. Both of these organisations have agreed to come and have a more formal discussion with residents (ie local house groups - and of course Golden Lane residents as well) if theyare shortlisted. BRA is going to suggest to the City that they should consider this for all shortlisted parties.
There has been a very considerable noise nuisance issue caused by the residents of the Y in the past which was not dealt with by the the management of the Y or by Environmental Health or the Police. The idea of a cheap hotel/hostel opening up in the middle of club land surrounded by thousands of private residential flats is, in my opinion, ominous and we ignore this procedure at our peril. 
Bill Gilliam.

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Hi Rowland.

The 16th of Nov has passed so I will have to e mail and ask the Barbi Residents ass. to see if there is more news.

Bill Gilliam.

Roland Jeffery said:

This is ominous news, Bill.

I was hoping that the onerous repair and asbestos requirements, together with listed status and resident opinion would mean that hostel use would come to nothing in the market testing exercise.  If the market testing fails, then there is a case for a change of use to residential.

The fact that  two organisations have expressed an interest in the market testing exercise means it may be more difficult to get a change of use.  Do you know which two organisations have asked to meet residents?

I don't think that any bidder is looking at a "cheap" approach to the future use of the old YMCA building, but that said, there does seem to be "serious" interest for hostel type use, so nothing should be taken for granted as regards future use of the building. That said, the need for any use to be compatible with local resident amenity is in my view clear so anybody seeking a future use for the YMCA building will need to address residential amenity very carefully in order to have a credible bid. 


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