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Spotted this news story this morning, concerning our Barbican neighbours!

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I also saw this on the Daily Mail online Steve.  Years ago, I recall seeing Mr Scargill, in what was before we had Waitrose, with his trolley!  Will make no further comment publicly about him, so don't want to upset any pro Scargill supporters!  I hate arguing over politics.

Was it a Safeway before Maria?

It was indeed Steve, and after that Somerfield, and Morrisons.  Although I cannot remember which came first.

So, the BBC breaking a 20 year old story.  Great investigative journalism!  Embellished with a cheap jibe by that bastion of public service ethos Pickles.

On a related thought, as I recall there was some talk many years ago (1980s) of the corporation handing over management of our estate to another body.  At the time that felt like a very bad idea to the tenants ... (I've probably still got all the paperwork on it somewhere, hoarder that I am).

I too remember shopping in Safeway Maria :-)

Channel 4 news tried to interview comrade Arthur out side his barbican pad last year, Arthur wasn't having any of that, they were saying when he shuffles of this mortal coil, the flat will be passed on to his girl friend, his former secretary who is a lot younger than arthur and the union will be footing the bill. The poor miners after following arthur up the garden path and down again may have lost, but comrade Arthur did rather well and is still living high on the hog, of the back of all the miners.

Comrade arthur in person, his silence speaks volumes,

Whatever the merits or otherwise of this case, let us not forget it was Thatcher who shafted the miners.  Just sayin'


nathan said:

Channel 4 news tried to interview comrade Arthur out side his barbican pad last year, Arthur wasn't having any of that, they were saying when he shuffles of this mortal coil, the flat will be passed on to his girl friend, his former secretary who is a lot younger than arthur and the union will be footing the bill. The poor miners after following arthur up the garden path and down again may have lost, but comrade Arthur did rather well and is still living high on the hog, of the back of all the miners.

Goodness, Safeway's has been gone so long now Jean. 
Jean Mc said:

So, the BBC breaking a 20 year old story.  Great investigative journalism!  Embellished with a cheap jibe by that bastion of public service ethos Pickles.

On a related thought, as I recall there was some talk many years ago (1980s) of the corporation handing over management of our estate to another body.  At the time that felt like a very bad idea to the tenants ... (I've probably still got all the paperwork on it somewhere, hoarder that I am).

I too remember shopping in Safeway Maria :-)

He is divorced of 2001 , and hasn't spoken a word to her since, apparently she was a clerk, She spent 31 years at the Co-op as a clerk, ending up on the modest salary of pounds 7,000 before she was made redundant and given a  £4,200 pay- off.

By the way.

I think thats the woman he is living with, not the wife, and the one he wanted the flat to go to after his death, like she can't afford her own place, socialist my arse, she can't be all that at law since he lost the case where he could continue to screw £20 per year from each NUM member to pay for him and the girl friend to live it up with all his socialist neighbours in the Barbican Estate.Par for the course init, comrade

Nathan, something tells me you are not a Mr Scargill fan?  Yes, nothing gets past me!!  Had to laugh.  You certainly don't mess with niceties!! 
nathan said:

I think thats the woman he is living with, not the wife, and the one he wanted the flat to go to after his death, like she can't afford her own place, socialist my arse, she can't be all that at law since he lost the case where he could continue to screw £20 per year from each NUM member to pay for him and the girl friend to live it up with all his socialist neighbours in the Barbican Estate.Par for the course init, comrade

Don't get me started on that national hero Margaret Thatcher, I would be disconnected and sent off for re education.


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