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Great Arthur House. "Provisionally given a safety green light after councilors' visit to check the site's building materials"

Great Arthur House.
"Provisionally given a safety green light after councilors' visit to check the site's building materials"

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I presume Great Arthur House residents were informed of all this by the City,  prior to the local newspaper putting it on their front page?

No of course we weren't Maria!

Usual drivel from the City's Propaganda Dept - I'm only surprised they're not claiming BARRADELL (Town Clerk) personally abseil down GAH ripping it off with his own bare hands to protect us all!

THE REALITY - GAH residents still don't know if we should even evacuate the building or not in the event of a fire as the advice is ambiguous.........

Oh - and not even a response to my e-mail to the Estate Office about two distinct fire hazards let alone any action on them (includes a Leaseholder storing cardboard and polystyrene against a fuse box in a communal area - anyone remember the fuse box fire in Crescent House????) 

Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

I presume Great Arthur House residents were informed of all this by the City,  prior to the local newspaper putting it on their front page?

There's a surprise David!  So far, all we have had about fire safety from correspondence from the Estate Office is to blame residents for causing 'hazards', yet you say you have reported an actual hazard, and heard nothing? And, yes, I do remember the fire in Crescent House, when no one from the City were available in response, despite attempts by the Fire Brigade etc to contact them.  That fire was not the fault of residents, nor was the fire at Grenfell Tower, but down to negligence from councils, yet all we still hear is blame attached to residents for having plants etc, which we have had, without any problems, for many years. 

David Kreikmeier said:

No of course we weren't Maria!

Usual drivel from the City's Propaganda Dept - I'm only surprised they're not claiming BARRADELL (Town Clerk) personally abseil down GAH ripping it off with his own bare hands to protect us all!

THE REALITY - GAH residents still don't know if we should even evacuate the building or not in the event of a fire as the advice is ambiguous.........

Oh - and not even a response to my e-mail to the Estate Office about two distinct fire hazards let alone any action on them (includes a Leaseholder storing cardboard and polystyrene against a fuse box in a communal area - anyone remember the fuse box fire in Crescent House????) 

Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

I presume Great Arthur House residents were informed of all this by the City,  prior to the local newspaper putting it on their front page?


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