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Good evening.  Am so sorry, but I need to have a 'rant'.  Today, some cushions were stolen from a 'memorial' bench in a communal area in Crescent House.  It forms part of a 'roof garden', which is there for residents to enjoy, and for guest flat users.  I know one leaves things out at our own risk, but it is not right for someone to steal something that does not belong to them.  At least I am 'grateful' that the memorial bench has been left alone for 2 years, before this happened!  I presume it's someone just passing through, who took a 'fancy' to them.  Hope they have a lousy day!  Sorry, but upset, although I will replace the cushions, because am not going to let such people 'win'!  If anyone on the Estate has had anything stolen from their outside areas they care for, then you have my sympathy. And, also, well done for making the Estate look nice.  Rant over!!!  Feel better now. 

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Terrible!   I guess the roof garden area cannot be secured???

Poor you, that's very upsetting.

Perhaps we all need to move to Unst

Although the weather would put me off!



Having never seen this roof garden, I suppose erecting an electrified fence, with warning signage, would not be allowed ha!

Nice idea and link Jean!  Well said Christine!
Jean McMeakin said:

Poor you, that's very upsetting.

Perhaps we all need to move to Unst

Although the weather would put me off!



No Steve.  It's a communal area.  It's not strictly a 'roof garden', I suppose, but it's what it is known as generally, although it is on the top floor of Crescent House, adjacent to Hatfield House.
Steve Daszko said:

Terrible!   I guess the roof garden area cannot be secured???

I guess you are right Jean!!

Jean McMeakin said:

Poor you, that's very upsetting.

Perhaps we all need to move to Unst

Although the weather would put me off!



Don't give me ideas Steve.  Ha Ha!  Also, would you 'Adam and Eve it', but have noticed a set of matching plant pots have also gone!!!!  Words fail me!
Steve Daszko said:

Having never seen this roof garden, I suppose erecting an electrified fence, with warning signage, would not be allowed ha!

Thanks Christine.  As I said to Steve, a matching set of pots have also vanished.  They were lovely RHS ones.  I won't even bother to replace them, but will not let it stop me continuing in making the area look nice.  I do have a few choice words for those thieves, but as this site, rightly, does not allow bad language, I won't even attempt to say it, but think it instead!!!!

Christine Clifford said:

We mustn't let a few bad people spoil thing for us so well done Maria. Xxx

I`ll check it out next week with a visit, as I`ve not seen it yet.

Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

No Steve.  It's a communal area.  It's not strictly a 'roof garden', I suppose, but it's what it is known as generally, although it is on the top floor of Crescent House, adjacent to Hatfield House.
Steve Daszko said:

Terrible!   I guess the roof garden area cannot be secured???


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