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To City of London Corporation

Subject Freedom of Information request – The cost to the Housing Revenue Ac...

Dear City of London Corporation,

Petticoat Tower Replacement of Windows and Balcony Doors

Projects Sub-Committee 17 February 2017

  1. … it had been intended that the cost of replacing the balcony doors and windows… would be met from… the S106 funding from the Minerva Tower development… the contributions were subsequently... applied to the Aldgate Square Project.

2008-04-25 SN 106 St Botolph's House Revised

List and quantify any and all funds that were transferred from benefiting the Housing Revenue Account and instead applied to the Aldgate Square Project?

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This is a total disgrace, why did our elected, Alderpersons, Councillors, not speak up and challenge this? This reallocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL also known as Section 106) payments is happening else where within the City.

What have the elected Portsoken, and Aldersgate Alderpersons, Councillors, and other members have to say?

This has to be rectified immediately!

It is no good telling us that Community Infrastructure Levy, (Section 106) payments, can be re-allocated to other projects, there is something fundamentally wrong when the elected members allow this and do not question it!

Why did the Portsoken, in which ward boundary Petticoat Tower is, and neighbouring Aldersgate Ward Club not speak up?

Portsoken Ward Club: You can contact them via this email link:

Aldersgate Ward Club: You can contact them via this email link:

What have the elected Alderpersons, and Councillors got to say?

Portsoken Ward:

Alderman Sir Michael Bear, E-mail: Tel: 07778 218 725

Deputy Henry Jones, E-mail: Tel: 07976 421 966

John Fletcher E-mail: Tel: 07717 516853

William Goodacre Campbell-Taylor E-mail: Tel: 020 8806 1463

Delis Regis CC E-mail: Tel: 07786 278270

Aldersgate Ward:

Nicholas Anstee Email: Tel: 020 7007 2696

Joyce Nash, OBE, Deputy E-mail: joyce.nash@ Tel: 0207 588 3252

Barbara Newman CBE E-mail: barbara.newman@ Tel: 020 7628 6407

Jeremy Mayhew E-mail: Tel: 020 7600 4070 

Martin Dudley E-mail: martin.dudley@ Tel: 020 7248 2294 (office)

Randall Anderson E-mail: randall.anderson@ Tel: 020 7588 9360

John Lumley E-mail: jsplumley@ Tel: 0207 588 3635

These clubs, members, councillors are there to represent and protect local interests...The electors need to take this and other failures into account when deciding who to vote for at the forthcoming elections.

How many of then care for or live in Petticoat Tower? Zero

What have the elected members got to say?? Maybe they are thinking how to "just" get your votes...

Apart from legal challenges, may be its time for a percentage of all Community Infrastructure Levy Section 106) payments, to be paid into a new Community Trust Fund, the board consisting of local City residents, who can then decide how to spend these community payments as the community see fit, its the way forward.

CIL and S106 are separate, other than that, I agree with you entirely.

The very experienced, so he tells us, Councillor, Henry Jones, came and told a meeting we would not be paying for the project, the S106 should have paid for, the HRA will.

There are 4 sources of income for HRA, Property Sales (unpredictable), Service Charges (supposedly financially neutral) S106 (removed) and Rents (and charges, parking etc.)

On 20th November 2014, they agreed HRA would have £30 Million in 30 years

So, having removed S106, the claim residents will not pay, HRA will, is clearly sophistry.

Councillor Henry Jones, and the committee responsible need to provide an urgent written statement, and ensure that they provide this statement before the elections to all affected residents, and be prepared to answer questions at the forthcoming Wardmote on Wednesday 22 March 2017, at Barber-Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Square, London EC2Y 5BL, it would be wise to be there by 7:00pm, with your list of questions.

The City of London Corporation needs to re- allocate the stolen funds to Petticoat Lane Tower as originally intended. The residents need assurances that this will not happen again.

There needs to be a re-think how CIL/Section 106, funds can be protected in the future, which is why I feel that all or at least a certain percentage can be allocated to a new Community Trust Fund, which will be run by the community for community needs.

In the mean time, residents need to think who they should vote for, especially when Councillors have breached their obligations to their communities. If they have represented the area for years, how well have they performed?

Think of the candidates carefully, how well have they performed for "you" and your communities, are they truly independent? Do they represent any City companies, are they consultants or directors of any City companies? Where are their loyalties?


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