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Interesting and disconcerting review found on google.
An old video of Golden Lane Estate, 1970's
Looking at the photos I believe listed building consent is the least of our worries.
OMG. We need an experienced and dedicated architect to sort out all this nonsense-
Iain Meek DipArch RIAS RIBA FBIS
07960 173903
(now wearing a hard hat on the estate :)
Hi Iain. Goodness me. What a great article. So true. Thank you for posting this. It is indeed shameful how the City have let our Estate down. But, I have to add, that it appears our Estate Manager has priorities, which are taking intrusive pictures of my dog, and taking pictures of our communal 'roof garden', which I tend, as he deems it some sort of 'hazard'. So, while our Estate continues to fall down, don't worry as our Estate Manager has more pressing matters to deal with!
Iain Meek said:
OMG. We need an experienced and dedicated architect to sort out all this nonsense-
Iain Meek DipArch RIAS RIBA FBIS
07960 173903(now wearing a hard hat on the estate :)
Thank you Albert. I hope the City reads it.
Albert thanks for highlighting the various issues at Golden Lane and for providing the links.
I have lived over at the Barbican for ten years, and now at Golden Lane for nearly ten years.
I have found that there is a clear difference in staffing levels and maintenance at the Barbican, compared to Golden Lane.
One simply example being I had water seeping into the brick work of my apartment at Golden Lane for two years before the Estates Office could find a suitable abseiling company to repoint the brickwork and seal the bricks. The large chucks of missing concrete around the inside of the windows, yes even after ten years I am still waiting.
Maintenance in all areas over at the Barbican takes priority, why? Simply because the Corporation likes to showcase the Barbican to the World, it is a showcase for concerts, and the wealth that the Corporation likes to show. Whereas Golden Lane could be a Third World housing complex, awaiting demolition. Like it or not the Golden Lane is the "less well-off" cousin of the Barbican, and our parent the Corporation wishes to off-load us. Next time you are over at the Barbican, notice how clean the windows are, the walkways, notice the rarity of any pooling water during rain storms, and notice how the private areas are more secure with locked gates for which only the residents rightly have keys. We at Golden Lane can learn a great deal from the Barbican. If the Barbican can have a continuous supply of replacement tiles, why can not we at Golden Lane? MONEY, money takes priority over at the Barbican, allocation of City resources take priority over at the Barbican.
The Corporation has shown that its heart lies with the private sector, the selling of the YMCA building can be classed as social cleansing. The private developer will reap profits in excess of £50M from the sale of 74 apartments. You only have to visit the show apartment to see how the developers have in record time done amazing things to the building, including replacement of all the windows, while the Corporation dilly dallies over the replacement of windows at Golden Lane.
Bernard Morgan House, another key asset that should have been retained for much needed social housing, or a mixture of social and private housing has been sold to Taylor Wimpey, who will reap profits in excess of £50M from the sale of 114 apartments. This site should have been retained for social housing. These apartments will be built and sold before Golden Lane is sorted out.
Yes we all now that the Corporation likes to proudly display its trade marks all over its assets, perhaps these should be toned down a little. Better signing is required to identify the entrances to all blocks, it can be confusing for visitors, and delivery drivers. Every single sign within all areas of Golden Lane needs to be examined, removed, and or replaced, along with better lighting.
The moving of the Museum of London from its present site to Smithfield will again show how the Corporation will literally find and allocate millions towards this, and millions more to ensure that the vacated site is turned into another concert venue.
Maybe the solution is to demolish each block, build new blocks increasing the height by a few floors. I very much doubt that these blocks will still be standing in 100 years.
Over Estates Manger/s, in conjunction with the Residents Association need to have a meeting with our elected representatives, Aldermen, (Aldermanic?) Common Council Members, and Director of Estates at the Corporation. The Corporation should seriously consider meeting the full bill to rectify their historic neglect at Golden Lane, for which it is liable.
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