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Unfortunately the recycling area is attracting fly tippers and early morning scavengers who arrive in Vans very early in the morning (0040) leaving they're engines running and they're music blaring out. I'm not speaking on behalf of the residents in my block, but in Cuthbert Harrowing the exit slope is a permanent pick up and drop off point. It's every single night I have to endure this, and not only Vans but mini cabs as well. Can there not be a sign that asks drivers to respect where they park? To switch off engines and music as it's noise disturbance??

I feel like I'm permanently on my balcony having to tell the inconsiderates to switch off and turn off, most nights. I don't see why I have to do this as I'm not a spokesperson for my block. But in order to get some sleep before 2am and to get up for 7am for work, I find it unfair.

I ask politely that residents/non residents could you recycle your wares at the Swap day in the community centre, or relocate the recycle site? I will make a formal complaint to the Estate office regarding this, as I feel the situation will get worse.

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Please make a complaint. A couple of months ago I suggested to the Estate office that they could use the redundant space behind the present area for a proper recycling area like the ones in the Barbican which residents have a key for, items are properly recycled and it is not an eyesore. It would also stop the scavengers. If you complain there is more chance of action.
Sadly there is not much that can be done about engines left idling other than education. It is actually illegal to leave your engine idling for more than a minute but no one seems to know. I joined Vehicle Idling Action and now regularly ask people to switch off and most do although some are just rude.

I know that one of my fellow Committee members expressed concern about the location of the recycling area when he accompanied a LFB officer around the Estate last summer. According to the letter to all residents, dated 13 June 2016, from Laurence Jones, we were told that the Fire Officer was 'satisfied' that this area was the most appropriate for recycling due to good ventilation.  He advised that the other recycling point, under Crescent House, be removed, so the Estate only has just the one recycling area.
I was led to believe that the recycling area was cleared on a daily basis.  It appears that some people are coming from outside the Estate, in that case, to use this as drop off point.  That is certainly not fair to residents.  I don't believe the Estate Office will relocate the recycling area, for the reasons stated above.  However, as much needs to be done as possible to minimise inconvenience to residents by inconsiderate people. 

It might be an idea to express these views at the forthcoming Residents' Meeting this Friday, 21 April. Or, maybe, to contact one of our newly elected Councillors, for their help.

The recycling area (under Cullum Welch) is a nightmare. Late at night and early hours we have to put up with scrap collectors loudly rummaging through the bins, junkies breaking into the clothing bins, etc,'s been going on for years. The area is an eyesore and and attracts all sorts of dodgy characters late at night. 

Another issue is the deliveries to the gym. 

Tonight (10pm) the gym's laundry collectors COUNTRY LINEN have turned up in their HGV lorry creating a great deal of noise, rolling  their cages down the hill and i've just seen one of the drivers take a pee behind one of the recycling bins.These guys turn up every evening,  often very late between 9.30 and 10pm and create a great deal of noise. 

Something needs to done about this area, as well as the anti social laundry deliveries to the gym. 

Hi Linda.  Am seeing that its all very well for a LFB officer to say that this area is 'ideal' for recycling, when he does not have to put up with the inconvenience caused to residents.  As Sue said, a complaint should be put in.  She has put in an alternative suggestion.  As I said, on Friday, there is a Residents' Meeting, and posters will go up tomorrow to give details of this.  This will be a good opportunity to raise these concerns, and also with our newly elected Councillors, which Sue is one of. 

Linda said:

The recycling area (under Cullum Welch) is a nightmare. Late at night and early hours we have to put up with scrap collectors loudly rummaging through the bins, junkies breaking into the clothing bins, etc,'s been going on for years. The area is an eyesore and and attracts all sorts of dodgy characters late at night. 

Another issue is the deliveries to the gym. 

Tonight (10pm) the gym's laundry collectors COUNTRY LINEN have turned up in their HGV lorry creating a great deal of noise, rolling  their cages down the hill and i've just seen one of the drivers take a pee behind one of the recycling bins.These guys turn up every evening,  often very late between 9.30 and 10pm and create a great deal of noise. 

Something needs to done about this area, as well as the anti social laundry deliveries to the gym. 

It may also help to contact Mr Jones' boss, Liam Gillespie, and Bayo  Igoh, who manages both of them, and whom I have met, and who appears a reasonable person, who does care about us residents.

Bijou said:

Thanks Maria, and thanks Sue for the feedback. I wholly agree with Linda regarding the recycle area looking an eyesore. I think the suggestion about a designated area becoming a key access only recycle point a great idea. There's a few ideas which the Barbican have adopted and implemented which could be used on our Estate a good idea, I think it'll be a smooth transition, and will stop late night/early morning disturbances.
I'll make an appointment with Mr Jones, which I will then give feedback to his response.

Many Thanks

Tracy, so good to hear that Mr Jones has dealt with your rubbish issues. 

Bijou said:

An update from my meeting with Laurence Jones, regarding noise pollution late at night and early mornings. Laurence was very accommodating and helpful, the flytippers or collectors of scrap, seem to have stopped. I hope I'm not saying this too soon, but so far so good, and I would like to thank Laurence for his help and understanding on this matter.

Thank you.  Its also good to have a sense of humour as much as possible, especially during difficult times. 

Bijou said:

A very good play on words Maria. Double Entendres


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