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Sue Pearson
  • Female
  • United Kingdom
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Christine Clifford commented on Sue Pearson's blog post Golden Lane Estate tenants due a water charge refund
"Thank you all for this. It beggars belief that the CoL still has not repaid the full amount with interest as some other councils have ."
Jan 19, 2022
Sue Pearson posted a blog post

Golden Lane Estate tenants due a water charge refund

Public call for the City of London Corporation to respect the lawWe, the City councillors named below, call on the City Corporation to pay its social housing tenants a full refund of a profit that it (and a number of other local authorities) made on “water reselling” from 2001 to 2019 following a ruling by the courts that this profit was unlawful.The City Corporation should have taken the lead in paying a full refund, because it:- prides itself on upholding the rule of law,- is the wealthiest…See More
Jan 4, 2022
David Graves (your Alderman) commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"Paul, I'm surprised that referring to an audience caused you such upset. By "audience" I mean those who follow this site and the conversations/discussions which happen here. I expect that most of these are residents, but not…"
Sep 17, 2021
Paul Lincoln commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"David Graves makes a fascinating comment in his reply to Sue Pearson:'However, I realise that there is an audience on Golden Lane for the "campaigning" style of some people, and I tend to find that those deeply committed to…"
Sep 14, 2021
Fred Rodgers commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"Mary Durcan details the works in the pipeline that David Graves’ “campaigners” are quite rightly demanding be done sooner rather than later. Both of them throw around figures that CoL is spending in GLE but both of them ignore the…"
Sep 13, 2021
Mark Bostock commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"Before Mary Durcan posted her comment on this blog, she sent an email to the other councillors in Cripplegate ward detailing what renovation work had already been done. I replied saying she was missing the point of Sue’s blog, which was not…"
Sep 13, 2021
JoJo commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"Rather feel that Mary Durcan is understating matters by saying CoL estates 'were' neglected for several years when have been neglected for several decades would be more accurate. Why is it taking so long to replace leaking windows that…"
Sep 13, 2021
Mary Durcan commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"I very much agree that Golden Lane and our other 11 housing estates across London were neglected for several years but that was well before my time. We can’t change the past so let’s concentrate on the future. I’m proud to…"
Sep 12, 2021
David Graves (your Alderman) commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"However tempting it might be to simply say yes to a lengthy post which features a critique of a range of responses from the City Corporation's Chair of Policy & Resources (some would say the equivalent of the Leader of the Council) that…"
Sep 8, 2021
William Pimlott commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"I support Sue completely - thank you for this detailed post."
Sep 8, 2021
David Henderson commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"The claimed satisfaction rates with service provided do not reflect the experience or feelings of most on the estate. Based on what sample size?"
Sep 6, 2021
Jacqueline Swanson commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"Thank you, Cllr Pearson and Cllr Bostock. We have 8 Cripplegate Councillors and an Alderman. I'm very keen to hear from all of them on this issue as many residents of Golden Lane Estate feel badly represented by the people they have…"
Sep 6, 2021
Mark Bostock commented on Sue Pearson's blog post CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTS
"I fully support the position which Sue Pearson has taken. Mark Bostock Councillor, Cripplegate Ward"
Sep 3, 2021
Sue Pearson posted a blog post


CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION FAILS ITS RESIDENTSI've called on the City of London Corporation to use some of its £2.6 billion quasi-public “City's Cash" to fund an acceleration of the renovation of its social housing estates, which - due to decades of neglect - are in poor condition.My call has been rejected by the leadership. The Corporation is happy to spend what is needed to put up new non-residential buildings within a short time frame, but refuses to spend what is needed to complete the…See More
Sep 2, 2021
An event by Sue Pearson was featured

Imagine GLE at net zero Community event at Outside the community centre

August 21, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm
Aug 20, 2021
Sue Pearson posted an event

Imagine GLE at net zero Community event at Outside the community centre

August 21, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm
Aug 20, 2021

Profile Information

Sue Pearson's Blog

Golden Lane Estate tenants due a water charge refund

Posted on January 4, 2022 at 12:11 1 Comment

Public call for the City of London Corporation to respect the law

We, the City councillors named below, call on the City Corporation to pay its social housing tenants a full refund of a profit that it (and a number of other local authorities) made on “water reselling” from 2001 to 2019 following a ruling by the courts that this profit was unlawful.

The City Corporation should have taken the lead in paying a full refund, because it:

- prides…



Posted on September 2, 2021 at 20:31 11 Comments


I've called on the City of London Corporation to use some of its £2.6 billion quasi-public “City's Cash" to fund an acceleration of the renovation of its social housing estates, which - due to decades of neglect - are in poor condition.

My call has been rejected by the leadership. The Corporation is happy to spend what is needed to put up new non-residential buildings within a short time frame, but refuses…



Posted on June 25, 2020 at 11:22 1 Comment

As mentioned in my last blog, a significant proportion of City residents signed a petition last year declaring that they had no confidence in the City Corporation’s “standards" regime. One of their demands was for reform of “standards" proceedings. A motion was…


The beginning of the end of the City’s discredited “standards” regime?

Posted on June 14, 2020 at 13:42 0 Comments

Last year, more than 1,100 City residents - many of them in our ward of Cripplegate - signed a petition declaring 'no confidence' in the City's standards regime

That petition called for two specific reforms.

The first was to let your elected representatives speak and vote on matters which affected both you and them as residents. After nine months of intense…



Posted on May 23, 2020 at 15:30 2 Comments

Here is correspondence I’ve had with the City Corporation’s Policy Chair and the Community Services Chair after the government recently published guidance promoting longer working hours on construction sites:

My email to the Policy Chair and Community and Children’s Services Chair on 14 May

Will you undertake that the City Corporation, as the developer of the COLPAI project, will not seek permission to extend the working hours on the site in the…


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At 18:05 on June 19, 2013, Billy Mann said…
Sorted. I have put a flag saying Please Water Me in my bag (off to Spain tomorrow)
At 20:57 on June 16, 2013, Billy Mann said…
Sue, has the "water me" flag system (for when people are on holiday) been introduced to the allotment bagging area yet? If so, where are the flags?

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