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Stefi Orazi book on modernist housing estates in today's Observer

The book by Stefi Orazi, on life in modernist estates is featured in today's Observer and includes an interview with GLE resident Matthew Carter.

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I have not been able to read this article.  Has anyone done so, and what did they think of it?  

The article is: 

'Modernism in Britain: did it stand the test of time?' Douglas Murphy and Stefi Orazi, The Observer, Sunday 13 September 2015

It's a very good piece, though could more closely address why Modernist housing did fail in the UK, as well as where it hasn't. 

Thank you so much Nico for this link.  I read the article with much interest.  It addressed the issues where there were failings, but am sure many Golden Lane residents will be disappointed that there was no mention of how badly let down we have been by the CoL, in their failing to maintain the Estate as it should be.  

Did the journalist who wrote this actually come and look around Golden Lane Estate, did they do any research on the estate, in particular Great Arthur House?

"as estate after estate was found to have been seriously bodged by contractors. Rain ran down the inside of walls, vermin infested entire blocks, black mould appeared everywhere, concrete fell off the walkways; a litany of ineptitude meant that, in some cases, estates had to be demolished after less than 25 years"

"As far as housing was concerned, architects were aloof, contractors were spivs, councillors were on the take"

Strange how some things remain the same.

You are welcome. Stefi Orazi lived on Golden Lane Estate until recently, and I am sure is aware of these issues. But in an article of that length it's hard to go into detail. The authors were also focusing on the positive case for modernist housing, and noting that it wasn't all like Rowan Point and Park Hill. But you could take this opportunity to write to the Observer (where the piece was originally published) and make your point in the context of the article. 

Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Thank you so much Nico for this link.  I read the article with much interest.  It addressed the issues where there were failings, but am sure many Golden Lane residents will be disappointed that there was no mention of how badly let down we have been by the CoL, in their failing to maintain the Estate as it should be.  

I doubt it would be of little use, people hear what they want to hear, and some journalists at best are lazy.


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