Hi there,
Yesterday I had the horrible experience of going to get something from my shed and found a changed lock and all my stuff (guitars, art work and boxes of cherished photographs) completely gone.
At the beginning of the year I called the estate office and spoke to someone there to allocate my shed to my address. This was done in good faith and therefore I believed I would be invoiced in due course. As I wasn't informed of the process, I had no idea when I'd receive my invoice or if it would be done annually. Regardless, I did believe that my shed was on record as mine (at my address), as I was assured at the time, so if there were any problems or invoicing I would be contacted. At the time of checking my shed (when all the notices had been put up on them, and my stuff still in there) I had no slip of paper on mine but thought best to be diligent, just in case.
Instead I've now found all my belongings gone and someone else's in its place. Having checked with the estate office, with no reassurances I'll ever see my stuff again, as the situation stands currently, its a simple my word against theirs. When it seems so obviously a simple admin error on their part that has resulted in me losing valuable belongings.
I am shocked and disgusted by such a poorly managed system. I in good faith reported my shed to be mine and really don't understand how this could have happened.
Has anyone else had problems with this system?
As you can imagine, I am devastated.