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If you live overlooking Fann Street you will have been particularly bothered by drilling noise etc., recently. This sort of work is of course unavoidable.
I noticed the green noise reduction pads did make a difference, seeming to lessen those high ' dentist drill' levels of noise.

However now that the team has moved towards Goswell Road end of Fann St they have drilled without the green pads which have been left at the end they have finished!

We telephoned to report the problem this morning.
You can too if it bothers you enough. Environmental health office/ Pollution officers 020 7332 3630

Maybe the more who report, politely, the more chance we have of some action.

The guidelines seems to be based on business needs in the city not residential needs e.g. Quiet time 10-12.Rather than quiet 7-10 or similar. One would think they would have a residential plan of noise reduction that is taken very seriously in areas of the city like this during necessary works.

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I called them this morning hence the peace and quiet for a while. they were drilling this morning so early i almost vibrated out of my bed!!!

When they were making way for a variety of skyscrapers around Petticoat Lane it was agreed that Minerva would install triple-glazed windows throughout Middlesex Street estate, to stop the demolition racket getting in (and possibly the residents jumping out of their windows in despair). This work was duly completed, after the demolition had been done... months and months of hammer-drills and horror, like having a holiday flat on one of the nine cirles of Hell.

Nice and quiet there now, ask any of the residents. Not too loud though, they're a bit jumpy nowadays. Strange inverted logic of the City, anyone would think they didn't care...

Christine, they give you any idea when the roadworks are supposed to be finished? I might hide at the bottom of the swimming pool until it's done.

because that would be to sensible


Why on earth are there yet MORE roadworks/drilling in Fann Street, so soon after the last lot.................crazy eh!

Perhaps one of the workmen left his favourite spanner down there?

Thank you Christine, and here was me thinking no-one cared. Don't let the roadworks get you down... I remember fifty years ago when everything round here was rubble (not really).

Not sure BT Fusion still exists (it was, I believe, mobile/landline linking using VOIP) - it may just be old branding on the van?  They may be installing superfast broadband? (lives in hope).  I've checked the BT site and Infinity not yet available to GLE.  Or it's just new fibre optic cabling for business use :-(

Christine Clifford said:

It looks like they are installing ' Business Fibre Optics'. I don't suppose it might include our estate? It's BT Fusion!

If there is superfast broadband to our local exchange (I don't know this yet) then it should be available to us shortly (it is still usually copper from the exchange to the home anyway even with SFBB).  I'll try and find out more anon.  I know a man!

Christine Clifford said:

I think the problem might be to do with our local connection. I had a good look online today and all the BT fibre centres are around us but not near us. Plus BT tells me I do not have a BT line. I am not sure why I am paying them lol


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