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GLE Website Comms Team posted an event

Crescent House Leaseholders' Meeting at Sir Ralph Perring Centre

October 2, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Shirley posted an event

In Person events: 24th & 25th September - Monoprinting and City Carers Community drop in at The Barbican Hub (the small area in the Barbican foyer next to the entrance to the Barbican Kitchen cafe )

September 24, 2024 at 4pm to September 25, 2024 at 6pm
Philippe Rogueda posted a discussion
Jax commented on Jax's photo
Sep 20


There are four Golden Lane Estate related facebook accounts and you can follow them here: goldenlaneEC1 

Golden Lane Estate / RCS site 

Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London



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Site of former Richard Cloudesley School

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Recently, I put up a post about some stolen cushions from a memoriable bench in the little 'roof garden' at Crescent House.  I noticed that this morning 2 'quirky' signs, which raised a smile for residents, have also been stolen. 

People who do this are stealing from residents and spoiling it for them.  I hope whoever took these items have a really bad day. 

These people have no shame, and are just common thieves!  Have to admit to crying a bit as feel so low anyway, what with my partner ill in hospital with a stroke.  However, will get over it, and will not let people like this get the better of me.  I intend to replace the signs, and this time fix them on with superglue!!

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Thanks Christine.  How kind of you.  Unfortunately, we both have been under a lot off stress for a while, because of an issue with the Corporation.  John was not well even before, so none of this has helped.  And, now some so and so does this!  Many thanks.  Hope to talk soon.  XX

Christine Clifford said:

So sorry to hear this Maria and about your partner. Poor you, let me know if I can help?

Poor you Maria.  My words for them are unprintable!  A plague on all their houses.

Amen to that Jean!

Jean McMeakin said:

Poor you Maria.  My words for them are unprintable!  A plague on all their houses.

I may well apply to become a "Special Constable"?   If accepted, I shall operate a policy of zero tolerance against scumbags like these.  `nuff said eh!

Steve, I would welcome that!  You have the job!!!!  Have just replaced the signs, and secured them this time.  PS.  When can you start??  X

Steve Daszko said:

I may well apply to become a "Special Constable"?   If accepted, I shall operate a policy of zero tolerance against scumbags like these.  `nuff said eh!

Not sure yet......................need to be accepted by The Police first?


Never mind that.  I accept you!!  ha!ha! 

Steve Daszko said:

Not sure yet......................need to be accepted by The Police first?


Apparently a "stun gun" is not supplied with the job?!

Will try and get you one Steve!  Or, a water pistol, at least!!!

Steve Daszko said:

Apparently a "stun gun" is not supplied with the job?!

A "Super Soaker" pistol would be good!


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