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Yesterday, in the late afternoon, whilst out for a walk with Lulu, we came across a lot of filming activity in the garage area, by the tennis courts.  I was enjoying a nice chat with someone from the crew, who started up a conversation with me, when another crew member beckoned us to be quiet.  Its amazing how these film people can come and take over an area, and tell us residents what to do.  I presume they had permission to film here, but surely, out of courtesy, the COL would inform residents of this to minimise any inconvenience.  Lulu, seemed intrigued, although I'm thinking she wanted a bit of the action! 

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Wendy Giaccaglia once told me whilst she was estate manager, "The corporation of London do not have to consult with residents", she was explaining to me what she believed in her own mind about the new charges levied by the corp.

There are always film crews here. I was available as an "extra", but they never asked alas!!!

I know there are always film crews here, and fair enough, but it doesn't mean they can take over the Estate.  As for Wendy's remark, I think she missed the point.  It is common courtesy that us residents should be informed that filming may take place where we live.  That is different from a 'consultation', but as the COL obviously make money out of this why would they worry about us residents?  I recall a time, a few years ago, when I was just outside my flat, enjoying the roof garden on a quiet afternoon, when suddenly a very large group of people appeared from nowhere, and acting as 'tourists', proceeded to look at everything around them.  I felt somewhat overwhelmed.  It would not have been so bad if the COL had told the residents that such a visit would occur in the first place.  After all, this is our home, and our privacy should be respected.  One resident even told me he was in his kitchen, virtually unclothed one morning, when suddenly a group of people, on a tour, which we had not been told about, peered in his window.  Am not sure who was more shocked!

I wonder if the "virtually unclothed resident" is who I think it is Maria???!!!

Ha. Ha.  Steve.  No, it wasn't him! 


Cool idea Christine!

Hi Christine.  What a good idea.  I think I can guarantee that if I took part no one would ever come back!!  ha! ha! 

Seriously though, you are right in that us residents should be informed about filming, 'tourists', etc, as a matter of courtesy.  Lets hope they read this, and take heed, although I won't hold my breathe! 

Yes, it is nice that our Estate is a focus of interest, and no one is opposed to that.  I love meeting people, as we all do.  However, as this is a private estate, and our homes, we have every right to be informed when we will be 'invaded' unexpectedly! 

p.s. Had it been the person I suspected, the people involved would probably have needed therapy for the rest of their lives!!!
 Maria Elizabeth Prior said:

Ha. Ha.  Steve.  No, it wasn't him! 


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