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Residents targeted by fraudsters purporting to be police officers

The City of London Police is warning people to be on their guard following a spate of scams in which fraudsters have posed as police officers to target unwitting victims.  For further information on the scam, please see www.cityoflondon.police.uk

Detective Chief Inspector John Osibote from City of London Police said:  “This is a particularly unpleasant scam which exploits the trust of victims.  Fraudsters can be extremely persuasive – do not be fooled. Your bank or the police will never call you to request your bank card or ask you to transfer money to another account. Anyone attempting to do so is a fraudster. If someone on the phone asks for it, hang up immediately. If you believe you have had one of these calls or know someone who has, get in contact with your bank straight away.”

Officers are advising the public, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, to be aware of the following:
• Police and banks will never ask for your PIN or bank card
• Never give your PIN or bank card to anyone
• If you are contacted by someone who asks for these, hang up
• Use a different line to report the call to police on 101 or allow at least five minutes for the line to automatically clear
• Call 999 if the crime is in action.

We would ask residents to pass this information on to any elderly or vulnerable neighbours who do not have access to the internet.

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Thank you for this.
I will certainly make sure that your information is passed on.  
There are really nasty people out there who don't seem to care who they hurt, and by what means.  

Today, my Mum received one of these calls.  Someone phoned her, claiming to be from Charing Cross Police, and told her they had apprehended someone trying to access her account.  They told her to hang up, and immediately call 999, so, they claimed, it would be shown they were a genuine call.  My Mum hung up, and waited at least 5 minutes, before calling the Police, to report it.  

Obviously, she was quite upset about this, but luckily did the right thing.  What concerns me is that they knew her name, and I am wondering how they 'pick' their victims out.  Is it mainly the elderly, as she is, and the vulnerable, and if so, how do they know these details?  

I reinforce what the Police have advised us, in that to make sure we tell as many people as possible about this scam.  I am not sure how many people have been targeted on this Estate.  

Again, today, my Mum received one of these scam calls, after the first one I reported about 2 weeks ago.  This one claimed to be the 'Fraud Squad', and wanted her bank details.  I am very worried that she has been targeted yet again, as she was also obviously very upset about it.  There are truly vile people out there who think nothing of trying to con elderly, vulnerable people out of their money.  


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