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For a start write off the PFI contracts that are crucifying the NHS and other social bodies.
Cancel Trident (not our finger on the trigger anyway).
Nationalise the railways and utilities but this time give employees a stake in the industries so they won't be on strike all the time. Think they call it the John Lewis Model.
Agree about social housing but with the caveat that unless the homes are kept in good nick they're out.
Out with HS2 as well and look again at the finance and building arrangements for any new nuclear power stations.
Why scared to talk about Brexit? Is it the uncertainty of how good a deal we will get out of it when we finally leave the EU?
Hi. I voted to leave, but I think we all want the best deal for our country. Fingers crossed!!
Christo said:
Haha I suppose because I have seen online elsewhere how divisive it can be. But you are right Brexit is a hugely important matter.
I am scared of a hard Brxit and voted to remain. So am looking for the best deal for all of us
The cuts in public service will of course lead to people complaining (and suing where possible - poor old NHS) which of course will lead to the private sector coming along and saying we can do things better. Which it can't without massive subsidies and huge expense to the public.
Hi. May I ask what appears to be a dumb question Christo? You said on the link I put up by the Daily Mail, that you don't read any mainstream media, but then how do you put up these media articles without reading them first?
Christo said:
Thanks for that. Was just curious. I don't tend to buy papers myself, but like to read news stories online. I never buy the Sun, but read the Daily Mail online. I have not heard of the ones you mentioned, but will look them up. Am not keen on the Guardian as its very left wing. I suppose it all comes down to personal taste.
Christo said:
Maria, I share articles posted online by others. I read those articles. I don't read the paper.i also only share things representing groups like people in the NHS, Education, Pensioners etc.
I also follow new online news and current affairs that are not owned by the groups of immensely wealthy individuals running our governments. The Murdochs etc.
There are some really good independent online sources theses days. The Conversation, Reuters of course, Novaro, and others.
I don't like the Sun, The Daily Mail in particular because they both seem to sell hate. Benefit scrounger stories etc ignoring facts like claimants with disability and chronic illness are 0.7% and most claimants of benefits are pensioners or people in work but paid very little.
That's interesting. I must have a look at some of their articles.
Christo said:
I think these days the Guardian is much more LibDem.
I am not a fan of Mark Field, to be honest, but he does reply to letters, well he has done to mine. although we have disagreed on issues. Concerning this General Election, I am trying to look at the whole picture, and not one MP. I would be very surprised if a Labour candidate won power from the Tories in the City of London and Westminster. I realise that Labour did very well in the Councillor elections, which was a great achievement, but looking at the General Election, the issue is much wider than local ones. This country is facing a choice of what basically boils down to 2 Parties, either Labour or Conservative, to be the next government. This country has never voted in a Marxist as PM before, and I doubt they will, but one can never be 100% sure when it comes to politics.
He has always refused to deny he is a Marxist, and I know many Labour supporters refuse to accept he is one. I have read a lot about him, and his policies, and heard him. Personally, I think the Labour Party have lost a lot of credibility with him as leader, and a lot of votes. Obviously, it depends on one's personal political views, but both him and John McDonnell have been supportive towards a certain terrorist organisation, and for me I find that not acceptable. As I said, I can only speak for myself.
These sort of articles crop up.
Christo said:
Who is a Marxist? I know the usual suspects have alleged that of Jeremy Corbyn but in my view and experience of hearing the man, he seems a straight forward social democrat.
Others see him as that too.
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