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Hello All :)
Please view the attached poster - we have £9,000 which can be used on minor projects for the estate, all suggestions welcome before the 15th November please!
I would like to see what was discussed many years ago with Wendy (last estate manager) and Sharon Herbert.
We were going to have astro turf on the empty dead space below great Arthur and Cuthbert Harrowing, with Benches and planters. to utilise the space. A play area for young people.
I would really like this to be a serious concideration. This estate is always excluding young people and it would encourage people to sit outside and meet other residents reducing isolation and creating community coehesion for all of us in a really positive way.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have two large signs outside the Shakespeare pub telling drinkers and smokers that people live here!!! I mean signs like those outside the Wood Street Wine Bar. Should be placed outside the Pub doors to Goswell Rd North and Fann St. If the YMCA becomes another Hostel or Hotel the noise nuisance will escalate dramatically.
The CoL have so far refused to do this!!!!!!!
Hi I mentioned to some 'officials' that I saw between GAH and CH a few years ago that it would be nice to have some colourful plants/flowers around the 'funnels' and some seating. They were adamant that seating would not happen as it would encourage people to sit and talk - but this could be a nuisance for everyone when it happens in the middle of the night and, also, would encourage people to sleep there. Still, flowers would be nice!
I think it is time that a ramp was fitted to the external stairs leading down to GAH. The gradient would need to be taken into consideration as would an anti-slip surface. If the Grade I/II listing is called into play, then the ramp can be temporary in that it can be removed if it had to be but made very safe and secure by being linked into/around the railings at the side of the steps. Yes, you can go around to the side door entrance but then you have to negotiate stairs once inside the building before you can access the lift. A few steps can make the difference for some people between being housebound or independent. The edge of the steps, especially in these darker evenings, need to be kept solid white.
I happened to look up as I went under the tunnel from GAH to go up the steps and the ceiling looked filthy. Another coat of paint! Also, the basement is abysmal.
Talking of basements, how about a massive drive to deal with the really big, fat mice/rats that are now abundant on this Estate. I don't know who is responsible for dealing with this problem or what the financial constraints are but, quite frankly, if I found them running around the corridors, I wouldn't care; I would just want them gone. Whatever is being done is obviously not working as they are still here - and growing!
I'm desperate for the mass of dirty concrete that is viewed from GAH to CH to have a coat of white paint. I know the concrete is the original design but it is mind numbing and depressing to look out onto. If we can manage to get double glazing onto the Estate after all these years, I'm sure we can manage to bring some life into this drab outlook.
The entrance/reception area to GAH could definitely do with a proper overhaul. The stale plaster on the walls could be replastered to a smooth finish, obliterating the build up of dirt along the bottom of the walls in the process. The stone floors could be power hosed with whatever chemical they use these days and the door from the reception area to the office brightened up. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to pay loadsamoney to recover the two seats with lovely red leather(?) but not have the legs cleaned and varnished at the same time - but that could be rectified now. A new coat of paint on the metal framework around the glass (does it have to be dark green?) and fresh paint on the walls and the Peace Lillies will be happy to live there and we will all be uplifted when we come home!
Another project that was extremely popular with members of Young at Heart was Cranio-Sacral Therapy. We had a terrific practitioner who was excellent at her job and really genuine and caring but YAH did not have enough funds to retain her services. Members paid £5 per session. I don't know if this is something that would be relevant to this allocation of £9k but I know it would be really beneficial to all who are interested - even if they do not know what this 'hands off' treatment is. It would require a room or a private, sectioned off area of a hall, a bed/couch and a chair.
I heard an idea at the weekend that I rather like, proposed by another resident in passing.
Rather than spend the money on a physical project, how about funding a daytrip for those of a pensionable age, or corporation tenants? In this time of relative austerity, there's less money around to create moments of joy, and this would benefit many. Perhaps a coach trip, with some City-based volunteers, might be a good way to use up some of this surplus, create some real long-lasting memories and also share some community spirit between neighbours.
I'm new to GLE, so I don't know if there's a similar fund already in place.
Thank you for all the thoughts and suggestions so far people! All will be looked into and discussed shortly.
Timbo, we organised day trips for our Middlesex Street Residents not long ago, seemed very popular. Nice idea to get everyone together in a fun, different and outdoorsy way. Would anyone else be interested in this idea for you Golden Lane residents?
Only 8 more days for suggestions, don't be shy people! :)
Hi Sarah
Would it be possible to have the list of suggestions for using the £9k please. It might prompt some additional ideas prior to 15th. Thanks. Patricia
Hello Patricia & All,
Here is the list of the suggestions we have been given so far from residents:
-Improve/increase lighting on main podium
-Mouse proofing following pest control visits
-Fee's for non-reactive repairs and assistance for vulnerable and elderly residents e.g. putting up curtains etc
-A bee hive on the roof and reinstatement of roof gardens at Gt Arthur House, and granted access to residents who would maintain the hive/gardens.
-Purchase permanent trestle tables rather than renting them
-Community boards positioned in areas so everyone walking through the estate can see
-Astro turf the space below Great Arthur & Cuthbert Harrowing, along with benches and planters
-A re-decorated play area for young people, or an area where those can come together to socialise (young people, older people to sit?)
-Signs outside the Shakespeare pub as a reminder to people to try and stay quiet as people live here
-More llotment bags
-Outdoor exercise equipment
-benches and planters
For what it's worth, my vote goes to getting the GAH roof garden open to all residents. That would be a great amenity reinstated, and would not be open to abuse by non-residents (so no rough sleeping/noisy drinkers).
IMHO quite a few of the other items should be down to the Corporation to provide/deal with as part of their responsibility for managing the estate - we certainly pay them enough so to do in the service charges.
Sarah Parker said:
Hello Patricia & All,
Here is the list of the suggestions we have been given so far from residents:
-Improve/increase lighting on main podium
-Mouse proofing following pest control visits
-Fee's for non-reactive repairs and assistance for vulnerable and elderly residents e.g. putting up curtains etc
-A bee hive on the roof and reinstatement of roof gardens at Gt Arthur House, and granted access to residents who would maintain the hive/gardens.
-Purchase permanent trestle tables rather than renting them
-Community boards positioned in areas so everyone walking through the estate can see
-Astro turf the space below Great Arthur & Cuthbert Harrowing, along with benches and planters
-A re-decorated play area for young people, or an area where those can come together to socialise (young people, older people to sit?)
-Signs outside the Shakespeare pub as a reminder to people to try and stay quiet as people live here
-More llotment bags
-Outdoor exercise equipment
-Outings-benches and planters
The point raised "... assistance for vulnerable and elderly residents e.g. putting up curtains etc" is an extremely important one. It touches on actually caring for/about the people on the Estate and helping them to continue an independent, quality life. The curtain tracks - or lack of them - are so fiddly and not the easiest to negotiate. In view of the pending window/curtain wall replacements next year (don't laugh) I think it would be a good opportunity to extend the curtain project. It would be a good time to ensure that all flats have the necessary track/pole system required in order to hang the curtaining of their choice; those who need assistance could be identified at the time of the survey. This updating would enhance the external appearance of the building for the benefit of all.
Linbrook will carry out a lot of repairs. As Jean says, there are many projects that the Corporation are already responsible for but we don't know definitively what they are. Sarah, perhaps this is where you would come in and identify the suggestions that would come under the responsibility of other departments and perhaps ask these departments to address same. We could then look at putting the money into some of the remaining projects - and also have a better idea of what topics to target.
The really worrying aspect of life anywhere is becoming less mobile, ill, vulnerable. If you were looking at offering services in the home, how would you go about this? Not all people have access to the internet or walk about the Estate to read notices. Waiting for vulnerable people to ask for assistance that they don't know exists is ineffective.
I know a resident was looking for a wheelchair so that she could take another tenant out who would, otherwise, be housebound. Something like this would be a one-off and would be permanently available on the Estate for use as and when needed. Again, a ramp on the steps to the side of GAH would allow easier access to the building for both wheelchair users and people unable to negotiate steps.
I have just deleted what I have written about services that vulnerable people would benefit from as this brings us into the realms of Social Services (which has been cut back to the absolute minimum).
When you are ill, less mobile, you can't clean your oven, your fridge gets bug ridden (I saw this myself in a flat a few years ago when Social Services were attending; they fill you up with drugs to cure you but it's the bacteria from the fridge that get you! They simply don't have resources to deal with cleaning), you can spray your bath with cleaner but can't bend over it to rub it in, plus of course, you can't put your curtains up. I'm starting again so will stop.
Can we just ask, please:
Does this £9k extend to flat owners as well as tenants?
How did it arise?
Is there a deadline for using up the money?
Will there be more money next year/in the future?
I'm sure that this has been fully explained somewhere, but it has escaped my notice and the attachment with Sarah's posting is 'corrupt/gobblediegook'.
It would be useful to know the potential 'money in the pot'.
Hopefully, the cost of sound-proofing all the flats on the top floor of Great Arthur House would be deducted from the £9K before any decision was taken to open up the GAH roof to all residents which, by the way, was never the original intention. In all my 30 years' residence it has never been open to all residents and was only originally designated as "for the benefit of the upper floors only", so "reinstatement" is misleading.
Jean McMeakin said:
For what it's worth, my vote goes to getting the GAH roof garden open to all residents. That would be a great amenity reinstated, and would not be open to abuse by non-residents (so no rough sleeping/noisy drinkers).
IMHO quite a few of the other items should be down to the Corporation to provide/deal with as part of their responsibility for managing the estate - we certainly pay them enough so to do in the service charges.
Sarah Parker said:Hello Patricia & All,
Here is the list of the suggestions we have been given so far from residents:
-Improve/increase lighting on main podium
-Mouse proofing following pest control visits
-Fee's for non-reactive repairs and assistance for vulnerable and elderly residents e.g. putting up curtains etc
-A bee hive on the roof and reinstatement of roof gardens at Gt Arthur House, and granted access to residents who would maintain the hive/gardens.
-Purchase permanent trestle tables rather than renting them
-Community boards positioned in areas so everyone walking through the estate can see
-Astro turf the space below Great Arthur & Cuthbert Harrowing, along with benches and planters
-A re-decorated play area for young people, or an area where those can come together to socialise (young people, older people to sit?)
-Signs outside the Shakespeare pub as a reminder to people to try and stay quiet as people live here
-More llotment bags
-Outdoor exercise equipment
-Outings-benches and planters
Joyce are you suggesting (in the unlikely event that it happens) that other residents should not have access to the roof garden apart from those living on the top few floors of GAH?
Joyce Rothwell said:
Hopefully, the cost of sound-proofing all the flats on the top floor of Great Arthur House would be deducted from the £9K before any decision was taken to open up the GAH roof to all residents which, by the way, was never the original intention. In all my 30 years' residence it has never been open to all residents and was only originally designated as "for the benefit of the upper floors only", so "reinstatement" is misleading.
Jean McMeakin said:
For what it's worth, my vote goes to getting the GAH roof garden open to all residents. That would be a great amenity reinstated, and would not be open to abuse by non-residents (so no rough sleeping/noisy drinkers).
IMHO quite a few of the other items should be down to the Corporation to provide/deal with as part of their responsibility for managing the estate - we certainly pay them enough so to do in the service charges.
Sarah Parker said:Hello Patricia & All,
Here is the list of the suggestions we have been given so far from residents:
-Improve/increase lighting on main podium
-Mouse proofing following pest control visits
-Fee's for non-reactive repairs and assistance for vulnerable and elderly residents e.g. putting up curtains etc
-A bee hive on the roof and reinstatement of roof gardens at Gt Arthur House, and granted access to residents who would maintain the hive/gardens.
-Purchase permanent trestle tables rather than renting them
-Community boards positioned in areas so everyone walking through the estate can see
-Astro turf the space below Great Arthur & Cuthbert Harrowing, along with benches and planters
-A re-decorated play area for young people, or an area where those can come together to socialise (young people, older people to sit?)
-Signs outside the Shakespeare pub as a reminder to people to try and stay quiet as people live here
-More llotment bags
-Outdoor exercise equipment
-Outings-benches and planters
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