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Save Bernard Morgan House

City of London

There is no water in the upstairs of maisonettes in Cuthbert Harrowing today. Repairs have been notified and have spent all morning trying to contact whoever is Duty Officer this weekend to give access to the roof so a plumber can fix the problem in the roof-top water tanks. We have just been told we will run out of hot water too.

Now what is the point of Duty Officers who cannot be reached?
No water is not just an inconvenience, there are carers visiting the elderly here unable to bathe or toilet people properly. It's not good enough. No fault of repairs who are dealing with callers very well. But really if you need a key to get on the roof to fix a problem you need a system that allows repair folk to access that key quicker than this. We noticed it just after 8am and they had already had four calls.

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I absolutely agree
What is the point indeed

Not again!  No Duty Officer??  And, even when you can get one at the weekend, they never seem to be able to help.  For example, when the whole Estate lost their TV signal on a Friday, after 5pm, I contacted MDTV and the Duty Officer, who said he could not help.  When the MDTV repair man arrived there was no one to let him have access to Great Arthur House roof, so I told him he could possibly locate Ian in Bowater House.  I believe he assisted.  

Prior to that, some time ago, there was a real fire risk in the basement.  I contacted the Duty Officer, who refused to help.  I had to get the Police to get onto the relevant department to deal with it.  

So, it seems that it often makes no difference to us residents whether there is a Duty Officer or not, for all the good they are! 


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