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Daniel Elson
  • Male
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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  • Maria Elizabeth Prior
  • Esther Johnson
  • Dan Rees
  • Yanki Lee
  • Sue Pearson
  • Paul Lincoln

Daniel Elson's Discussions

FreeSat / Sky signal

Started this discussion. Last reply by nathan Mar 11, 2016. 6 Replies

Curtains for 3rd floor Crescent House studio

Started this discussion. Last reply by Daniel Elson Aug 20, 2014. 2 Replies


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Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 0:10 on August 14, 2011, Maria Elizabeth Prior said…

Hi Dan.

It was good to personally meet you at last week's Residents Meeting.  Concerning the issue about the guest flats, that was raised, and the hope that proper 'conditions' for their use will be implemented, I wanted to inform you of the following, in case you had not seen it.

I checked the notice about the rates of the guest flats, in the Estate Office.  I noticed that there was a tariff for users from the Golden Lane Estate, and 'non residents', which had an extra charge of £5 per night!  I was aware that many residents from the Barbican used these flats, but, seeing the tariff for 'non residents', am not sure if that means only the Barbican, or if it covers usage from any other source! 

Best wishes. Maria.


At 0:01 on July 26, 2011, Maria Elizabeth Prior said…

Thanks Dan!!!   X


At 15:21 on February 15, 2010, Wendy Giaccaglia said…
Hello Daniel, I can meet you tomorrow morning. I am free until 12, so drop in anytime.
At 8:53 on February 11, 2010, Wendy Giaccaglia said…
I am available all day Wednesday, so please let me know when you're available to meet.
At 8:40 on February 9, 2010, Wendy Giaccaglia said…
Daniel, I am happy to meet with the committee and discuss possible locations for bicycle lock up. The problem we're having is that bicycles are being vandalised and stolen in the places we do have, so any provision we do consider would have to have a higher element of security, which would cost a lot of money. I am not available this week, but have time next week if anyone wants to make an appointment to discuss it further. Thank you.
At 8:28 on February 9, 2010, Daniel Monk said…
Hi Daniel
Just received a letter announcing that all bikes attached to railings in corridors etc will be removed.
I know this is necessary for health and safety reasons (as well as being clearlly stated in the leases etc). But I wonder have any alternative places been looked at for leaving bikes under cover.
They do exist on the estate.
I mentioned a while ago the space under Bowater which is currently empty. In other blocks (Bater and Basterfiled these spaces are used for bikes). Could it not be opened up here too?
Are there any developments on this?
Please let me know if I can help in any way
At 8:52 on June 8, 2009, Daniel Monk said…
Thanks for getting back to me Daniel . . . . . it is storage that is my concern too. I live in Bowater and there is, what looks like, an ideal space available there in the basement just by the ramp. The same space in Bayer in Bayer is used for bikes. The lack of under cover space means that people are using railings on stairways - which is understandable but far from ideal. Do please let me know if I can help in any way with this.
best wishes
At 10:17 on June 5, 2009, Daniel Monk said…
Hi Daniel
I'm a cyclist resident of the estate . . I live at Bowater House - and would like to talk to you about provision for cyclists on the estate. I was at the AGM and Paul Lincoln said that you were nterested in this were on the committee . .
Look forward to hearing from you

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